WAR (write, act and recieve)
Write -
1. to form or produce written letters, words, or sentences.
2.: to compose, communicate by, or send a letter.
Act -
1. take action; do something
2.: behave in the way specified.
Receive -
1. be given, presented with, or paid (something).
2.suffer, experience, or be subject to (specified treatment).
A man sits in front of a camera with his young child sitting next to him. He turns and looks and the child has snot streaming down his nose and onto his chin, it's formed a crust of dried snot that's congealed around his top lip. The man looks at the child, looks at the camera and shrugs. He sais, "what do you do"? He then tips the kids head back, opens his own mouth as far as he can and covers the boy’s nose and top lip. He then proceeds to suck, suck and suck some more. As he pulls away with a mouth full of snot, he wipes his lips across his son's nose and top lip to completely clear him.
He then pulls back and swallows once, then twice and then he swallos deep for a third and final time, until everything has gone and his sons face is clear and his mouth is empty.
Every single moment of our life is felt and experienced from how we manage this process of our own inner narrative, it's an art to be mastered. Your inner narrative controls how you feel, it’s a seed to which when watered (acted) with attention it creates the moments we receive in life, it is the thing that increases the quality of the magic of moments #MOM.
We can see someone's narrative playing out in front of us, have you ever seen someone holding back a giggle, they're sitting in the feeling received from a thought they're acting out in their head. These thoughts are creating the energy of joy that’s being received because of the way we Think & Believe.
If we don’t control it, the narrative runs our day to day, like a wild ball that tramples all over our life, scribbles all over our beautiful thoughts like a childish bully.
Suicide is the result of a story, a story that's been written over time. A seed that's been planted and watered. A story that's been written and acted out daily. One that's eventually provided an outcome received that feels so bad, so negative, so powerfully awful to live with, someone would choose to jump from a bridge, hang from a rope or put a gun to our head and blow our fucking brain out to get away from it.
Around 20 years old I found myself at the top of a cliff planning suicide. My story written and acted was overwhelmingly saying how utterly…. utterly…utterly! useless I was. A failure, a letdown, an embarrassment. I had travelled down the line of less than and bounced around at the end of the line alone. No one around me knew, I acted out another story to everyone else but inside I was falling deeper and deeper into despair. This is where my self-development journey started, and my first conscious course correct happened. Along this slow journey out I came across a wonderful group and workshop run by Richard Wilkins. We spent a week in a group workshop talking and working on the subject they called “the script”. I passed with flying colours and was awarded Superhero status and I now include what I call the “narrative” as a subject in my MMA Mastery under the section Mindset.
If you’ve found yourself writing a narrative that doesn’t serve you or that’s lead you down the path to consider suicide or self-harm in any option, then why not stop! Consider using that creativity in writing and reverse engineer a different story that produces a different feeling.
What's something that would allow you receive the gift of a giggle?
“People need a narrative, and if there isn't one on offer, they make one up."
Jean Hanff Koreltz
Questions to help you think differently:
- What areas of your narrative could do with re writing?
- What area of your life would like to change? And what change in narrative could help the situation?
- What narrative have you adopted from your parents or family that serves you well?
- What narrative have you adopted from your parents of family that does not serve you well?