The “key of me” – Bubblegum Bubblegum
In tune phrase of tune
- In a state in which the correct musical sound is played or sung with correct pitch or intonation.
- In a state in which people are in agreement or harmony with or understand on another.
- Properly adjusted (of an engine or machine)
A musical instrument holds "potential power", in the hands of mastery it can lift our spirits, get us dancing & singing with joy or energize us out of bed and help us run a marathon. The right song, note, silence, tone can open us up, uncovering feelings, memories and emotions and bring us to tears and to cry our hearts out uncontrollably for hours.

When played well an instrument in tune, reveals something that’s been waiting to be accessed and enjoyed, it sits waiting for it's potential to be revealed in the mastery of well practiced hands of the player.

People hold "potential power", just like instruments, waiting to be unpacked and reveal their full potential. They sit and hold the gifts of Spirit, Humour, Passion, purpose, joy and fun. And when we stay "true to ourselves" we offer the "best of ourselves". These treasured characteristics within are released and set free as ideas, creativity, intellect, insight, charm and Joy. These qualities can add colour, light, hope and love to even the darkest of moments in someone's life.
We get to see, hear and feel someone as they show up at their best self. When their fully aligned, in tune with themselves
We see the spark in their eye's as they tell a story or tale, with conviction, passion and fire. We see the power and determination as they race for the finish line or unpack in perfect flow a combination of punches in a boxing ring. We see a dance with sexual, sensual grace and fluid elegance on a stage being performed to the world.
We feel the soft, tenderness and care as we tuck our kids into bed at night, read them a playful story and kiss them good night. And we can admire them and listen as they care for a loved one with compassion, patience in a gentle loving way, they take time to make the most painful and vulnerable times for someone in need become bare able, dignified and maybe even fun.
We hear certainty, clarity, positivity being powerfully communication. We hear a sense of control, balance, a synergy that can align, shift and make the most impact of their ability and time.
In "key with me”
But just like music we also see, hear and feel someone "not" fully attuned to themselves or in certain situations. We sense conflict, fear, overwhelmed that vibrates out of someone hindering the potential of the moment. We cringe at the screeching falseness and insecurities that weakens their power to the point of being painfully pathetic.
Living and playing in this truth of ourselves is an art and dance that we continually battle. Work, family, marriages, and life in general happens and just like the integrity of the guitar that holds its tune if compromised can lose your true best you in the mess of day to day living, we can do the same.

When tuning a guitar we need to find a point to reference, something we can tune to so we can resonate to that point of truth. What's a word, method you can use that helps tune you back to the key of you? Something said to remind you of the essence of you. It can relate to a smell, place or feeling but it whole heartedly sings to your soul as "the key of me". I picked the word bubble gum, it reminds me of strawberries, my daughter and feels like a simple joyful word. Bubble gum, bubble gum 1..2..3. Your word maybe more sophisticated or elegant like a fragrance. It may be a wink or whistle, the key is it’s yours and resonates with the "essence of you" that can help you return to. Try a few out, play around with it and then in times of compromise use it like a singer would checking for sound, test, test check 1234. Play around with words until you get something that works.
In boxing I used to wink at my sparring partner as we came out of the corner. The cheekiness would bring joy to my soul, and my shoulders would drop and relax a little, my breathing would calm and settle (even for just a moment) and I would be more of me in the moment and be less in fear. This didn’t make me a world champion boxer, but it got me closer to the boxer I actually was, and away from fear and conflict that strangle our potential being.
Play, play, play….aka LIVE, LIVE, LIVE….
Once you have begun to master "the key to me" your only job is to play. You are the instrument in the game of life. Your job is to be more of you, something we all need to do more of. To actually come out and play the gifts we have been given, to reveal and share the treasure of our true colours that we keep within. To stand up and be counted, to step out and own what you have been gifted and share to the world. When some reveals they are gay we call it "coming out" and it's declaration of who they really are. We all have hidden truths of potential that we hide, afraid of revealing them and the ridicule we may experience if they don't conform to others or society.
Questions to help you think differently:
- What's something you would regret not doing or trying in life if it was all over tomorrow?
- What's a goal that would make you giggle. A project, mission that's maybe scary but exciting all the same?
- If you were hiding your true colours and decided to just fucking do it!! What would it be?
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Find Your Next Best Steps in Life.
Kone Plc
Mat's coaching opened up a side of me that I hadn't previously considered. He taught me to accept my insecurities and use them to grow as a person in my business and personal life.
Boosting my confidence, ability to speak up, and being more assertive have been the greatest impacts on my life. This has helped me within the business massively.